Big data+ Biomedical Image Informatics: May 14-15 @ UCSB
UCSB Center for Bio-Image Informatics, iPlant Collaborative, and the Center for Multimodal Big Data Science and Healthcare
08:15 AM Arrival at West Conference Center
08:30 AM Coffee and informal introduction
Morning Session: BisQue - Experiences
08:50 AM Introductions: Manjunath
09:00 AM Nirav Merchant, U. Arizona. iPlant+BisQue Introduction
09:30 AM Joel Schwartz, Pfizer. BisQue@Pfizer/TissueVision
09:50 AM Edgar Spalding, U. Wisconsin. Measuring phenotypes in populations of plants with image analysis (Information on recent Bioimaging workshop at Madison: Storify, notes)
10:10 AM Coffee Break
10:30 AM Dan Szemanski, Purdue (plant image segmentation)
10:50 AM Evan Daugharthy, Church Lab, Harvard U., FISSEQ project
11:10 AM Nikhil Chacko, Liebling Lab, UCSB. Leveraging BisQue for atlas of developing embryonic heart
11:30 AM – 1 :00 PM Working Lunch (served)
Demo of existing tools and pipelines: Moderators: Dmitry Fedorov and Kristian Kvilekval
- DIRT: Abhi Das and Alexander Bucksch (GA tech)
- Phenomics in Agriculture: Stephen Welch and Nan An (KState)
- 3D reconstruction: Kyle Simek (U. of Arizona)
- Justin, Oregon State. AISO > PIA project
Afternoon Sesssion: BisQue developers
1:00 PM Kristian Kvilekval, UCSB. BisQue 05 and BisQue 06 roadmap
1:20 PM Fedorov/Delany: Advanced Visualization and 3D Viewer usage
1:30 PM Christian Lang: Indexing and search across multi-modal documents
2:00 – 5:00 PM
Outline hackathon activities and goals:
- Refine and prioritize hackathon ideas
- Outline plan for hacking
- Commence hacking
4:45 PM Kris/Manjunath/Nirav : closing
5:00 PM End for the day
Friday, May 15th
Arrival at Engineering Sciences Building (ESB), room 2001
Morning Session: Big Data Challenges, Large Scale Image Processing
09:00 AM Sindhu Ghanta, Andy Beck’s lab@Harvard: Big Data Image Informatics for Computational Pathology
09:20 AM Wei-Chung Allen Lee, Harvard: Functional assemblies of pyramidal cells in the visual cortex
10:00 AM Sean Donegan, Dream.3D. Materials Science applications
10:20 AM Dmitry Fedorov/Robert Miller, UCSB: Application to underwater and aerial imagery
10:40 AM Coffee break
10:50 - 11:45 AM Open topic discussion: Attributes of a responsive, innovative cyberinfrastructure
for image analysis (ALL PARTICIPANTS)
- data centric: Challenges and barriers in managing multimodal data
- analysis centric: Challenges and barriers in developing methods, analysis routines for image analysis (core libraries, productivity improvement when developing new methods group discussion)
- platform centric: Challenges and barriers in building imaging platform applications/pipelines for communities (user management, computation infrastructure, sustainability)
11 45 AM – 1:00 PM Working Lunch
Demo of hackathon progress
Moderators: Dmitry Fedorov and Kristian Kvilekval
1:00 PM Wrap up (Kris, Nirav)
2:00 PM Atul Butte: Translating a trillion points of data into therapies, diagnostics, and new insights into disease